Do you have a school subject in which you are lacking? 📖


What if studying isn't a chore? What if, with the right support, the new and numerous subjects, the most insidious arguments and the most difficult theses could be well understood and assimilated?

Geakoinè offers a coaching service for students of all levels in 20 different subjects! A support that leads them in step with the school program, with an effective method of study, towards the promotion or passing of repair or university exams.

This is a commercial offer formulated exclusively for LOOKUP users.

  • Partner: Geakoinè;
  • Reward use: from 1 to 4 people;
  • Reward duration: based on need;
  • Location: Via Corridoni 58, Bergamo or Online.

How does it work?

You will receive an email from the addresses and within 5 working days from when you obtained the reward code, to define the details on how to use it.

The same day in which the first lesson will take place, the code must be presented to the LOOKUP Partner and the agreed payment must be made.

Payment methods: cash, credit cards, debit cards.