L'atto creativo: un modo di essere 🔘


"L'Atto Creativo" is a self-help book designed to guide artists through their creative journey. Rick Rubin, an icon in the music industry, shares his knowledge and principles of creativity. Rubin emphasizes the importance of developing a mutual trust with artists, enabling them to access the deep sources of their creativity. The book encourages experimentation and the maintenance of childlike wonder, rejecting competition and comparison. Rubin argues that the true competition for an artist is with oneself as they evolve on their own path. "Putting maximum effort into every moment is all we can hope to achieve," Rubin emphasizes. An interesting section provides a list of thoughts and habits detrimental to creative work. Additionally, the book transforms from a guide on what to do to create a work of art into a reflection on how to be in the creative process.

Author: Rick Rubin

Publisher: Mondadori

Hardcover, 372 pages

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