Vaso Mu - La Terra Cruda®


Sustainable, Plastic-Free, and 100% Natural Pots

La Terra Cruda is a blend of natural elements. Mix it with straw and water to create a sustainable modeling paste. Use La Terra Cruda to create "living" pots that will make your beloved plants happy. Thanks to the straw component, plants in La Terra Cruda pots require less water and grow lush, healthy, and strong. Water conservation is at the heart of sustainable agriculture. Autonomous ecosystem. A self-contained microclimate is created inside the pot, including the development of those microorganisms so useful for our plants. Water saving. The pot walls absorb moisture from the outside. The soil stays hydrated for a long time, eliminating the need for frequent watering. Transpiration. Air circulation inside the pot is ensured by the highly breathable walls. Non-polluting. You can return it to the earth if it breaks. It does not alter the characteristics of the environment in any way because it DOES NOT contain artificial materials such as cement and gypsum. Weather-resistant. Feel free to put your pot in the sun on your terrace or leave it in a corner of your garden. Raw earth is a building material. There are raw earth houses, for example, in Brazil (casas de barro), in Africa, in Italy in cities like Noto, in Sicily, or Casalincontrada, in Abruzzo and all over the world, thanks to bio-architecture. This is why the La Terra Cruda® pot can withstand downpours, snow, and scorching heat.

Here are some additional notes on the translation:

  • "La Terra Cruda" has been left in Italian, as it's a specific product name and it would be difficult to find a direct English equivalent that captures the same meaning.
  • "Vasi vivi" has been translated as "living pots" to convey the idea that the pots are not just containers, but part of a living ecosystem.
  • "Microclima autonomo" has been translated as "self-contained microclimate" to emphasize the idea that the pot creates its own environment.
  • "Bioedilizia" has been translated as "bio-architecture" to refer to the practice of building with natural materials.

How does it work?

Within 48 hours of claiming the prize, LOOKUP will place your order.

LOOKUP purchases the product on behalf of the user and the company supplying the product is relieved of any liability. 

Returns are not accepted.